Featured Projects - Commercials Projects - Personal Projects - Game Jam

Framework Fake XCOM

Framework developed alone facilitating the creation of levels and units for the modern version of the game XCOM.
Technologies utilisés et tâches effectués
Game Engine: Unreal 5
Language: C++ et Blueprint
My tasks: - Creation of a custom grid pathfinding system for the Unreal Engine
- Creation of a decision system based on Utility Matrix framework for the Unreal engine
- Adaptation of the GAS system in order to create new unit Abilities
- UI integration and programming
- Integration of characters and their animation
- Debuging
- Essentially, all programming task

Simple Shooter - AI Extended

Extension project of the GameDev.TV 'Simple Shooter' tutorial. The project involves creating an AI that replaces a player in an AAA-style third-person shooter.
Technology used and tasks done
Game Engine: Unreal 5
Language: C++ and Blueprint
My tasks: - Creation of the bot using a mix of the Behaviour Tree and Utility Matrix systems
- Addition of mechanics for the player controller
- Creation of new UI

Sphere VS Cube

Android game developed entirely alone that is now available in Open Beta on Google Play. The game is a rail shooter similar to Star Fox, but the levels are randomly generated. The player must complete 15 levels without losing all his lives.
Technology used and tasks done
Game Engine: Unity
Language: C#
My Tasks: - All programming tasks
- Creation of Shader (using Amplify)
- Game Design
- VFX / UI / Sound Design integration

Grid Pathfinder

A project aimed at integrating the three basic pathfinding algorithms into the Unity engine. The algorithms are: breadth-first, Dijkstra, and A*.
Technology used and tasks done
Game Engine: Unity
Language: C#
My tasks: - Creation of a level editor with .txt files
- Integration of the Breadth First algorithm
- Integration of the Dijkstra algorithm
- Integration of the A* algorithm
- Debugging
- Essentially all of the programming

Virtual Reality - Haunted House

Virtual Reality project made with Unity, a motion capture system PhaseSpace and the Occulus Rift. The theme is a haunted house that you must traverse with the help of a flash light.
Technology used and task done
Game Engine: Unity
MiddleWare: MiddleVR, serveur VRPN
Language: C#
My tasks: - Integration of the scene and it's texture
- Integration of PhaseSpace (motion capture system) with MiddleVR
- Programming the interraction with the captor
- Debugging