Featured Projects - Commercials Projects - Personal Projects - Game Jam

Auto shoot

Auto Shoot is a micro game develop during the GMTK Game Jam of 2020. The goal of the game is to stay as long as possible on a platform that change shape over time. It is the first game jam that I did entirely alone, with the help of artistic assets bought in the asset store.
Technology used and tasks done
Game Engine: Unity
Language: C#
My tasks: - Game Design
- Entire Programming
- SFX and VFX integration

Double Death

XNA game developped during the Pixel Challenge, a game jam done in the city of Quebec where you had 48 hours to create a game under the theme of 'the last border'. The game is a 2D plateformer with puzzle mecanic where the player exploit the death mecanic in order to cross obstacle.
Technology used and task done
Game Engine: XNA
Language: C#
My tasks: - Character Control
- Creation of a spritesheet class to integrate animation
- Creation of a windows installer
- Debugging

Gameplay Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4no2qj6Ylk
Windows Stand Alone version: DeathRealm.msi